University of Glasgow will increase its salmon and seaweed farming research

Responsible Seafood Advocate

University of Glasgow researchers receive £3 million to pioneer sustainable aquaculture advancements, focusing on salmon health and seaweed

sustainable aquaculture
Researchers at the University of Glasgow have received $3.8 million in funding to pioneer sustainable aquaculture advancements, focusing on salmon health and seaweed farming. Photo credit: The University of Glasgow.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow’s School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine have been awarded £3 million (U.S. $3.8 million) for four new projects focused on sustainable aquaculture. These projects will concentrate on farmed salmon and seaweed.

The first project focuses on plankton-based drivers of gill disease in farmed Atlantic salmon. It will use the University of Glasgow’s new mobile marine aquaria and combine genetic studies and other methods to identify causes of gill-related mortality in salmon. It involves researchers from the Universities of Aberdeen, the Roslin Institute and industry partners like MOWI, Scottish Sea Farms, Bakkafrost, Esox Bio and Benchmark Genetics.

The second project, which will be carried out in collaboration with nine seaweed farms in the UK, Norway and Sweden, will focus on finding solutions to predict biofouling – the process whereby seaweed is contaminated with other unwanted organisms, affecting crop yield.

In the final two projects, the researchers will work with a range of collaborators on new salmon farming research. This includes a project led by the Scottish Association for Marine Science to study sea lice detection in farmed salmon as well as a project led by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, developing new diagnostic approaches to pathogen detection.

Read more here.


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