Innovation & Investment
Building a better net pen for aquaculture includes biofouling solutions
Aquaculture is witnessing a shift in net pen cleaning operations as some operators say biofouling is becoming “even worse than disease.”
The University of Glasgow has received £3 million in funding for farmed salmon health and seaweed aquaculture research.
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture is witnessing a shift in net pen cleaning operations as some operators say biofouling is becoming “even worse than disease.”
Innovation & Investment
The aquaculture industry is paying greater attention to net technology, in terms of materials and maintenance, because of its impact on the bottom line.
Innovation & Investment
Gracias en parte a una relación única de "estado hermano" que Maine comparte con la Prefectura de Aomori, una técnica de cultivo de vieira y sus equipos relacionados desarrollados en Japón se van vía a los Estados Unidos. El uso del equipo podría ahorrar tiempo y dinero a los productores y podría marcar el nacimiento de una nueva industria.
Innovation & Investment
Thanks in part to a unique “sister state” relationship that Maine shares with Aomori Prefecture, a scallop farming technique and related equipment developed in Japan are headed to the United States. Using the equipment could save growers time and money and could signal the birth of a new industry.
Greater knowledge of fouling organisms and their settlement can help lead to greater effectiveness for cage net-cleaning machines. If cleaning is done regularly at certain times of the year, biofouling may be easier to remove or kept from settling on nets.
Innovation & Investment
The use of copper alloy nets in marine aquaculture shows promise in improving biofouling resistance and net chamber volume integrity, reducing maintenance costs, and preventing fish escapement and loss due to predation.
Health & Welfare
The low-cost, low-infrastructure nature of OCAT open-ocean cage systems allows fish farmers to move from protected bay and harbor sites to more exposed locations that offer better water quality.
Ultrasound offers a low-impact alternative to chemical treatments for unwanted algae, like chlorophyll a, and biofilms in aquaculture.