World Bank releases investment guide for developing sustainable aquaculture

Responsible Seafood Advocate

Guide is designed to boost investment in sustainable aquaculture, now available for download

sustainable aquaculture
The World Bank has released a guide outlining what’s needed to encourage investment in sustainable aquaculture and grow businesses in a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable way. Image from the World Bank report.

The World Bank has released The Global Aquabusiness Investment Guide, a framework to navigate the world’s fastest-growing food sector. The 144-page guide outlines what’s needed to encourage investment in sustainable aquaculture and grow businesses in a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable way.

The guide can be used by a wide range of stakeholders and organizations, including governments, private and public sector investors, private aquaculture operators (especially small and medium enterprises), development partners, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donors and research organizations.

“The rapid growth of the aquaculture sector, coupled with various trends such as increasing demand, technological advancements and supportive investments, presents numerous opportunities for stakeholders across the industry,” wrote the authors. “However, to fully harness these opportunities while safeguarding against potential challenges and negative social, ecological and economic impacts, there is a critical need for a consolidated set of principles to guide sustainable commercial aquaculture development.”

The guide was created by reviewing existing frameworks and best practices for aquaculture, as well as studying global examples of successful and challenging aquaculture investments. It also involved comprehensive stakeholder engagements in the aquaculture industry. These activities helped identify the needs of the guide’s users and common factors that drive sustainable aquaculture businesses.

The guide is global in geographic scope and applies to all major aquaculture species groups, production systems and production scales. It encompasses activities along the entire value chain, from primary production to supporting industries and services (e.g. feed production and veterinary services) and the production of aquatic non-food products.

“The Principles are a publicly accessible ‘living document’ that will be updated periodically as new learnings emerge,” wrote the authors.

Download the guide here.


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