Dutch companies keen on new shrimp feed that includes more insects and algae
Skretting Ecuador will produce a new shrimp feed that will partly replace two ingredients – fishmeal and fish oil – with insects and algae.
Cermaq Canada is testing a new salmon feed that incorporates Veramaris algal oil, aiming to reduce reliance on marine fish oils.
Skretting Ecuador will produce a new shrimp feed that will partly replace two ingredients – fishmeal and fish oil – with insects and algae.
The DSM-Evonik joint venture won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge by a wide margin. CEO Karim Kurmaly talks about the “sacrifice” his team made to win.
The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids to human health are well known. Fish need them too. To supplement current supplies from wild-caught fish, one innovative venture is turning to the corn fields of Nebraska – yes, Nebraska – for answers.