Health & Welfare
SAIC boosts funding for cleaner fish vaccination research
SAIC funds research to fine-tune a cleaner fish vaccination, potentially improving sea lice control in salmon farming.
Health & Welfare
A new vaccine for barramundi combats Scale Drop Disease Virus, a promising breakthrough for the aquaculture industry.
Health & Welfare
SAIC funds research to fine-tune a cleaner fish vaccination, potentially improving sea lice control in salmon farming.
The Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has awarded funding to assess the efficacy of novel sea lice vaccine technology.
Health & Welfare
A new oral vaccine using reverse vaccinology and artificial intelligence may help with sea lice challenges faced by the aquaculture industry.
Health & Welfare
The vaccine for Moritella viscosa, which causes winter ulcers, performs better if developed with the correct strain of bacteria, Nofima says.
Health & Welfare
Efficacy of an oral vaccine in trials with tilapia shows it to be a viable, cost-effective alternative to administering vaccines by injection.
Health & Welfare
The discovery of an immune structure in the nasal cavities of rainbow trout could improve understanding of the efficacy of aquaculture vaccines.
Health & Welfare
Argentinian biotechnology startup FeedVax has received funding from Conservation International Ventures to develop an oral vaccine for fish.
Health & Welfare
Immunized Nile tilapia broodstock can mount a protective antibody response to Tilapia Lake Virus and transfer antibodies to progeny.
Health & Welfare
Authors evaluate the suitability of various production platforms and other considerations regarding plant-produced vaccines for farmed fish.
Health & Welfare
Author evaluates production of new circular DNA vaccines and heritable anti-viral immunity for shrimp based on viral defense mechanisms.
Health & Welfare
Israeli companies ViAqua Therapeutics and TransAlgae say their orally administered medicines for shrimp and fish aquaculture are in the pipeline.
Health & Welfare
Piscirickettsia salmonis, or P. sal, is a persistent pathogen in the waters off Chile, causing millions of dollars of damage to the nation’s massive aquaculture industry. A university researcher 6,000 miles to the north hopes to provide insight that leads to the development of an effective vaccine.
Health & Welfare
As wide use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance in fish pathogens, vaccines present an alternative control method to prevent bacterial diseases.
Health & Welfare
Tilapia vaccines can protect the fish against infectious diseases by providing pathogen-specific acquired immunity that prevents recurring infections.