Soy helped build aquaculture into a global force. How far can it take it?
Soy has fueled the growth of aquaculture, but environmental and social concerns for some producing areas are prompting some fish farmers to take stock.
La soya ha impulsado el crecimiento de la acuacultura, pero las preocupaciones ambientales y sociales de algunas áreas productoras están instigando a algunos acuacultores a evaluar la situación.
Soy has fueled the growth of aquaculture, but environmental and social concerns for some producing areas are prompting some fish farmers to take stock.
Estudio evalúa los sistemas de raceways en estanques para producir tilapia del Nilo alimentada con una dieta que incluye harina de soya de EE. UU. en condiciones de producción intensiva.
Study assesses in-pond raceway systems to produce Nile tilapia fed with a diet including U.S. soybean meal under intensive production conditions.
El Consejo de Exportación de Soya de EE. UU. explora las oportunidades de exportación en el África subsahariana, y descubre que la región tiene "mucho potencial" para el crecimiento de la acuacultura.
The U.S. Soybean Export Council explores export opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa, finding the region holds “much potential” for aquaculture growth.
The U.S. Soybean Export Council’s farm demonstrations, farmer education efforts and formulated feeds are boosting tilapia production in rural areas of Myanmar, where indigenous carp are more commonly raised.
Innovation & Investment
Intensive pond aquaculture (IPA) technology, a floating, in-pond raceway system developed in the United States, is being adopted fast in China, just three years after its introduction, says Jim Zhang, aquaculture program manager for USSEC-China.
The U.S. Soybean Export Council is a huge supporter of aquaculture growth globally, as so many aquafeed formulators rely on U.S. soy to create nutritious diets. The Southeast Asia senior technical advisor for USSEC’s aquaculture program talks about this symbiotic partnership.
Innovation & Investment
To help produce high-quality aquaculture feeds, the U.S. Soybean Export Council spearheaded the Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database project, designed as a reference tool for individuals involved in feed formulation, ingredient purchasing, quality control and research.
Although today’s soybeans offer many benefits, farmers can also plant alternatives, sometimes on the same farms that raise genetically modified beans. Organic beans meet specific market demands, and a conventionally bred non-GMO bean has been developed for use in aquafeeds for carbohydrate-intolerant marine fish.
The modeling of common water bodies to determine aquaculture carrying capacity has been identified as a critical need for countries in Southeast Asia.