Health & Welfare
Evaluating commercial probiotic for juvenile Pacific white shrimp
This study evaluated the impact of feeding a commercial diet, top dressed with a commercial probiotic, to Pacific white shrimp in a biofloc-dominated tank system.
Health & Welfare
Este estudio evaluó el impacto de alimentar a juveniles de camarón blanco del Pacífico con una dieta comercial con un probiótico comercial en un sistema de tanques dominado por biofloc.
Health & Welfare
This study evaluated the impact of feeding a commercial diet, top dressed with a commercial probiotic, to Pacific white shrimp in a biofloc-dominated tank system.
Health & Welfare
In trials raising larger juvenile shrimp than those used previously in indoor super-intensive recirculating raceway systems, the positive effects from increased stocking size, growth rate and survival resulted in a reduced crop duration time.
Health & Welfare
The use of intensive raceway nursery systems to produce juvenile shrimp under biosecure conditions is an important WSSV management tool.