Health & Welfare
Comparing biofloc, clear-water and hybrid RAS systems as tilapia nurseries
This study examined differences in fish performance and water quality dynamics between biofloc, clear water and hybrid systems as nurseries for tilapia.
Farmed finfish production has more than doubled since 2005 to an expected 38 million metric tons in 2018; 2019 production is expected to remain at 38 million metric tons.
Health & Welfare
This study examined differences in fish performance and water quality dynamics between biofloc, clear water and hybrid systems as nurseries for tilapia.
Health & Welfare
El cultivo de la tilapia en el África subsahariana adolece de baja productividad y rentabilidad. Se necesita un enfoque de gestión integral para abordar las causas raíz.
Health & Welfare
Tilapia culture in sub-Saharan Africa suffers from low productivity and profitability. A comprehensive management approach is needed to address the root causes.
Health & Welfare
Los resultados de un proyecto de demostración de la tecnología del Sistema de Raceways en Estanques (IPRS) en siete raceways de tilapia en una granja comercial en México mostraron el potencial para aumentar la producción de pescado con este sistema de cultivo ambientalmente sostenible.
Health & Welfare
Results of a demonstration project of the In-Pond Raceway System (IPRS) technology in seven tilapia raceways at a commercial farm in Mexico showed the potential for increasing fish production with this environmentally sustainable culture system.
This study assessed the efficacy and nutritional properties of the marine alga Nannochloropsis salina as a feed ingredient using tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as a model species. Results showed adequate growth, survival, FCR and enhanced EPA levels.
Innovation & Investment
MicroSynbiotiX está empleando el poder de las microalgas transgénicas para hacer más barato y fácil que los productores acuícolas administren vacunas a peces.
La producción mundial de peces cultivados ha aumentado de 19 millones de toneladas métricas (MTM) en 2004 a un nivel esperado de 44 MTM en 2017. Se espera que la producción del año próximo sea de 46 MTM.
Innovation & Investment
MicroSynbiotiX is employing the power of transgenic microalgae to make it cheaper and easier for aquaculture producers to administer vaccines to fish.
Global farmed fish production has increased from 19 million metric tons (MMT) in 2004 to an expected level of 44 MMT in 2017. Next year’s production is expected to be 46 MMT.
Chambo Fisheries, la granja de tanques de biofloc de tilapia más grande del mundo y la granja de tanques más grande de África, tiene un programa de producción secuencial multi-cohorte continua.
Innovation & Investment
A medida que aumente la demanda mundial de alimentos, se intensificará el enfoque en los recursos hídricos. En Berlín, un proyecto de investigación de cuatro años está demostrando la viabilidad de la acuaponía, que puede reducir drásticamente las entradas de agua.
The economic and environmental performance of tilapia biofloc technology systems are compared against other conventional tilapia grow-out production systems, highlighting the merits of BFT as a competitive and sustainable alternative low-cost intensive feedlot technology.
Click-bait headlines playing loose with the truth can do tremendous damage in this age of 24-hour news cycles and short attention spans. Our editor tells a sad fish tale that didn’t pass the sniff test.
Chambo Fisheries, one of the world’s largest tilapia biofloc tank farms and the largest in Africa, has developed its own, on-farm production of specialized feeds and procedures to optimize feed applications and feeding rates.