Innovation & Investment
Ocean 14 Capital Fund invests in Brazilian tilapia producer
The Ocean 14 Capital fund is investing over €10 million (U.S. $9.7 million) in Tilabras, a leading Brazilian tilapia producer.
Gishanda Fish Farm opened at Akagera National Park, introducing innovation and new skills to accelerate aquaculture development in Rwanda.
Innovation & Investment
The Ocean 14 Capital fund is investing over €10 million (U.S. $9.7 million) in Tilabras, a leading Brazilian tilapia producer.
Innovation & Investment
Expanding tilapia production in India could spur investment, provide new business opportunities and earn foreign currency through exports.
Health & Welfare
One of the world's largest farmed tilapia producers will introduce in-water controlled stunning at its processing facilities to improve fish welfare.
Lattice Aqua and IDH have partnered to improve the "productivity, profitability, and sustainability" of tilapia farming in Kenya.
Health & Welfare
Trends in the use of additives in small-scale fish farming in Egypt show the need to establish costs and benefits and promote their appropriate use.
Health & Welfare
An evidence-based program from Phileo by Lesaffre aims to improve tilapia gut health and support disease prevention strategies using functional yeasts.
Innovation & Investment
Inaugural Aqua Insights report encourages investment in Aqua-Spark's Africa Fund to kickstart a new era of tilapia farming for the region.
Innovation & Investment
A new bioinformatics tool can precisely identify tilapia species and pinpoint hybridization between invasive and native tilapia species.
Innovation & Investment
A new Aqua Insights Report from Aqua-Spark finds that tilapia aquaculture is key to food security across sub-Saharan Africa.
El Dr. D. Allen Davis dirige una evaluación de posibles escenarios y cursos de acción para alimentar a los peces durante las interrupciones en los suministros y mercados de alimentos.
Dr. D. Allen Davis leads an evaluation of potential scenarios and courses of action for feeding fish during disruptions to feed supplies and markets.
Health & Welfare
Development and testing of tilapia welfare assessment protocol begins alignment to procedures used for other aquatic, terrestrial farm animals.
Reduced-frequency feeding strategies improve the production efficiency of Nile tilapia operations and do not affect growth or survival rates.
Health & Welfare
Investigating factors associated with tilapia mortality in Egypt during the summer season using a novel online survey tool to gather epidemiology data.
Health & Welfare
Este estudio evalúa la transmisión experimental del Virus de la Tilapia de Lago (TiLV) desde reproductores de tilapia a sus órganos reproductivos y óvulos fertilizados.