Innovation & Investment
Tasmania green-lights research into offshore kelp farming
The project will focus on developing technologies suitable for commercial-scale offshore kelp farming and production in Tasmania.
A first-of-its-kind unique partnership with the Nature Conservancy Australia will seek to restore and "future-proof" giant kelp forests.
Innovation & Investment
The project will focus on developing technologies suitable for commercial-scale offshore kelp farming and production in Tasmania.
Can Australia be a leader in aquaculture practices and ocean custodianship? Producers make their case at the Tasmanian Salmon Symposium.
Tasmania has passed a bill to enable offshore marine aquaculture research, which will help sustainably grow the salmon farming industry.
Health & Welfare
This article from Australia’s CSIRO details the "race" to breed oysters genetically predisposed to resist Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS), a disease that is harmless to humans but so lethal to oysters that it can kill more than 90 percent of a crop of millions of animals within days.
Health & Welfare
The maturation of Atlantic salmon prior to harvest is costly, so since male salmon are more likely to mature early, the salmon industry in Tasmania relies on all-female production.