Walton Family Foundation poll finds strong backing for sustainable seafood
A poll commissioned by the Walton Family Foundation finds most Americans believe ocean health and sustainable seafood need urgent protection.
New ISSF report shows 88 percent of the global tuna catch is from healthy stocks, signaling progress despite challenges with overfishing.
A poll commissioned by the Walton Family Foundation finds most Americans believe ocean health and sustainable seafood need urgent protection.
Scottish Sea Farms has added a hybrid power workboat to its fleet, which could cut fuel costs by up to 50 percent and reduce its overall carbon footprint.
Aquafeed giant Skretting recently appointed Jorge Diaz as its sustainability manager to advance its ambitious sustainability agenda.
Nofima has launched the Millennial Salmon Project, a collaborative research initiative to develop sustainable ingredients for farmed salmon.
Concerned with pollution, the PEI Aquaculture Alliance swaps 87,000 Styrofoam buoys with a more sustainable option to curb shoreline waste.
Ten years in China’s largest city have given Chef Rolf Knecht a solid perspective on the nation’s rapidly changing economy and the impacts on consumer food purchases. Knecht, who will speak during the GOAL marketplace roundtables, fields questions about seafood trends, certification and food safety.
Michael Tlusty and Øistein Thorsen, authors of the recently published paper, “Claiming seafood is sustainable risks limiting improvements,” delve into the declarations made by companies and remind all that sustainability is a journey, not a destination.
In the second Off the Knife interview with chefs and foodservice professionals, Barton Seaver tells the Advocate that while restaurant employees shouldn’t have to recite sustainability science at tables, they can personalize their knowledge and effectively communicate the method behind the menu.
Our new interview series with foodservice professionals begins with Bruce Mattel, senior associate dean of culinary arts at The Culinary Institute of America (CIA). We’ll pry open the minds of some notable chefs who know seafood and are making statements about sustainability in their restaurants and beyond.
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative aims to set the bar for certification schemes. Board members of the task force formed in 2012 convened at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit in Malta to reinforce the mission and brief attendees on progress.
A GAA-commissioned survey sought to determine the knowledge level of seafood sustainability and farmed seafood in the foodservice industry. The results suggest a need to engage professional chefs through the sources they trust: suppliers.
Innovation & Investment
The aquaculture industry is doing a poor job of educating consumers about farmed fish, according to polling results from the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL conference in Vancouver, Canada. View the results from all 18 audience questions, with photos from the diverse audience.
Innovation & Investment
Scott Nichols speaks to the Advocate about the launch of his own consultancy, Food’s Future, about groundbreaking innovations at Verlasso and about the role of aquaculture in a rapidly changing world — one in need of collaboration and new ideas.
Innovation & Investment
If Day 1 of GOAL 2015 was all about defense, the following day of the aquaculture industry’s leading global conference was about offense — exuding confidence that farming fish is the way to feed future generations, and determining how to tell the world its story.
What do shoppers really think about farmed and wild seafood? Commissioned by The Fishin’ Co. and the Global Aquaculture Alliance, an extensive survey conducted earlier this year sought to determine the key drivers in consumers’ seafood purchasing habits and their perception of aquaculture.