For shrimp farming, artificial intelligence offers long-term value
Artificial intelligence will increasingly integrate into standard shrimp farming practices, with widespread benefits pointing toward sustainability.
Health & Welfare
Bacterial additions produced pondside are common in shrimp farming, but farmers must ensure these cultures aren’t contaminated with harmful bacteria.
Artificial intelligence will increasingly integrate into standard shrimp farming practices, with widespread benefits pointing toward sustainability.
Health & Welfare
Los vibrios son, sin duda, la causa principal de los brotes de enfermedades bacterianas en los camarones cultivados, pero a menudo se ignora el papel significativo de los factores estresantes.
Health & Welfare
Vibrios are undoubtedly the foremost cause of bacterial disease outbreaks in farmed shrimp, but the significant role of stressors is often ignored.
Health & Welfare
El examen de la relación entre el uso de bacterias ingeridas por vía oral y la mejora de la salud animal sugiere que el vínculo es, en el mejor de los casos, correlativo.
Health & Welfare
La prueba de PCR es una herramienta valiosa para detectar patógenos, cuando se lleva a cabo correctamente, pero depender únicamente de ella no es consistente con una bioseguridad adecuada.
Health & Welfare
PCR testing is a valuable tool for detecting pathogens, when done correctly, but relying on it solely is not consistent with adequate biosecurity.
Health & Welfare
Este artículo presenta resultados de pruebas de laboratorio y de campo para un parabiótico de propiedad en granjas de camarones blancos del Pacífico en América Latina y el Sudeste Asiático.
Health & Welfare
This article presents lab and field test results for a proprietary parabiotic on Pacific white shrimp farms in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
Health & Welfare
Los residuos de antibióticos en los camarones cultivados y la resistencia a los antimicrobianos en general representan una amenaza, pero debemos equilibrar lo que es realista y lo que es ideal.
Health & Welfare
Antibiotic residues in farmed shrimp, and antimicrobial resistance in general, pose a threat, but we must balance what is realistic and what is ideal.
Health & Welfare
En estas primeras etapas de comprensión de cómo los cambios en el microbioma afectan la salud animal, tenga cuidado al interpretar los resultados de laboratorio y cómo pueden aplicarse al mundo real.
Health & Welfare
In these early stages of understanding how microbiome changes impact animal health, use caution in interpreting lab results and how they may apply to the real world.
Health & Welfare
Strategies to control Vibrio bacteria at aquaculture farms must revolve around limiting inputs, including those from postlarvae suppliers, those that come in with the water, those that remain in the soil between crops and those in the feed and accumulated organic matter.
Health & Welfare
Control of Vibrio bacteria should focus on minimizing overall bacterial loads and the potential for horizontal transmission. The challenge for hatchery managers is identifying gaps in biosecurity and plugging them without creating niches for other potential pathogens.
Health & Welfare
Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP), a microsporidian parasite widely found in Asia and other areas, is impacting aquaculture by severely retarding the growth of cultured shrimp. EHP infects the tubules of the hepatopancreas in shrimp, which damages the organ’s ability to gain nutrition from feed.