Trace minerals in tilapia fillets, part 1
Part 1 of this study highlighted the importance of minerals in the diet of fish for meeting micronutrient requirements in the human diet.
In part 2 of this study, a seven-week fish feeding trial was conducted to study the influence of organic versus inorganic dietary selenium on Nile tilapia.
Part 1 of this study highlighted the importance of minerals in the diet of fish for meeting micronutrient requirements in the human diet.
Este estudio evaluó el efecto de las dietas suplementadas con aceite de pescado y harina de algas para el enriquecimiento de LC-PUFA en tilapia juvenil del Nilo. Las dietas experimentales son prometedoras como una opción viable para enriquecer el contenido de omega-3 en los filetes de tilapia.
This study evaluated the effect of diets supplemented with fish oil and algae meal for LC-PUFA enrichment on juvenile Nile tilapia. The experimental diets have promise as a feasible option for enriching omega-3 content in tilapia fillets.
Environmental and other challenges have led to reduced harvests of wild oysters in the United States. In a study, the authors evaluated oysters cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system with zero water exchange for several months.
Health & Welfare
Research found that tobacco dust applied in culture water killed ramshorn snails within three days and did not compromise channel catfish.
Health & Welfare
Shrimp exposed to high concentrations of nitrate exhibit shorter antennae, gill abnormalities and hepatopancreas lesions. Nitrate toxicity is more of an issue for shrimp raised in lower-salinity waters.
Health & Welfare
Prevention through good hygiene, use of gloves and basic biosecurity procedures is the best method for reducing the risk of acquiring zoonotic diseases.
Health & Welfare
Wild and cultured fish around the world are commonly affected by piscine mycobacteriosis, infections of which often manifest as acute or chronic diseases.
Health & Welfare
Yellow perch is an emerging aquaculture candidate susceptible to a wide range of disease syndromes with infectious and non-infectious causes.