Precision fish farming: A new framework to improve aquaculture, Part 1
A review of technology usage in finfish aquaculture, future application possibilities for precision fish farming (PFF) and guidelines for research.
Innovation & Investment
U.S. aquaculture technology company Minnowtech launched its highly anticipated sonar-based and AI-supported shrimp biomass estimator.
A review of technology usage in finfish aquaculture, future application possibilities for precision fish farming (PFF) and guidelines for research.
Innovation & Investment
Debido a que los productores de camarón carecen de un inventario preciso en el estanque, la empresa de lanzamiento Minnowtech está a punto de ofrecer una solución basada en datos. Tiene algo que ver con las medusas.
Innovation & Investment
Because shrimp farmers lack accurate in-pond inventory, startup Minnowtech is on the verge of offering a data-driven solution. It’s got something to do with jellyfish.