Cargill and Skretting join $100 million global fisheries-improvement initiative
New global financing model aims to catalyze more than $100 million in sustainable fisheries improvement by 2030.
New partnership aims to develop a more sustainable aquafeed with Calanus finmarchicus, a tiny marine copepod rich in essential nutrients.
New global financing model aims to catalyze more than $100 million in sustainable fisheries improvement by 2030.
Aquafeed companies will bail on the blue whiting fishery unless coastal states agree to quotas aligned with scientific advice. Time is running out.
Skretting Ecuador will produce a new shrimp feed that will partly replace two ingredients – fishmeal and fish oil – with insects and algae.
Nutreco and Skretting have released a new policy for responsibly sourcing marine feed ingredients for its global operations.
Aquafeed giant Skretting recently appointed Jorge Diaz as its sustainability manager to advance its ambitious sustainability agenda.
Health & Welfare
Fish health and welfare in aquaculture could soon be assisted by the most abundant organism on the planet, if a new partnership nets its intended result.
NovoNutrients will join FEED-X, an initiative to transform the “sustainability performance” of value chains linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
Global Aquaculture Advocate Editor James Wright is covering Seafood Expo North America in Boston, Mass., USA. Check back periodically for updates.
Health & Welfare
An innovative new diet supports the mass culture of rotifers at the same time it transforms their nutritional composition to meet the requirements of first-feeding fish larvae. As in nature, the diet is based on a mixture of algae-based nutrients to which rotifers respond.
Identifying sources for essential macro- and micronutrients is important, as well as understanding how best to manufacture feed to required physical specifications when using these new raw materials.