Health & Welfare

对虾肠胞虫病 (EHP) 的新管理方法

本文介绍了新兴对虾微孢子虫病(EHP)的组织学特征,使用了对患病对虾肝胰腺组织,排泄物,养殖水缸中水样和一些卤虫生物量的PCR化验分析的方法来检测到EHP的存在。(Editor's note: This article was originally published on the Advocate in English on April 15, 2016.) 

Facts about shrimp and cholesterol
Article image for Facts about shrimp and cholesterol


Facts about shrimp and cholesterol

Many people, including health-conscious consumers, are concerned about the cholesterol content of foods such as meat, eggs and dairy products. In the case of shrimp, the cholesterol story is different because a number of research studies have demonstrated that the high percentage of “good fats” in shrimp reduce the impact of cholesterol, and that a majority of people can eat shrimp as part of a balanced diet. 

Aquaculture Exchange: Peter Bridson
Article image for Aquaculture Exchange: Peter Bridson


Aquaculture Exchange: Peter Bridson

Peter Bridson, who steered aquaculture research for Seafood Watch and its highly influential marketplace recommendations for six years, now runs his own consultancy, Seagreen Research. He discusses global food security, certification standards and gradually changing perceptions about farmed salmon.