Health & Welfare
Major league performance requires system-specific performance standards
Since shrimp production facilities vary in size, construction and many other factors, the establishment of performance standards can be challenging.
Health & Welfare
Investing in the quality of shrimp postlarvae by applying state-of-the-art hatchery management results in a significant return on investment. Nutrition and health protocols have large impacts on postlarvae quality that last beyond the early life stages.
Health & Welfare
Since shrimp production facilities vary in size, construction and many other factors, the establishment of performance standards can be challenging.
Health & Welfare
In a survey of Vibrio concentrations in white shrimp postlarvae at two inland farms, hatchery postlarvae were acclimated in water with salinity reduced from 30 and 5 ppt to 2 ppt at the farms. One farm stocked postlarvae in nursery ponds, and the other stocked directly into grow-out ponds.
Health & Welfare
The cumulative effects of shrimp hatchery harvest, packing, temperature change, transporting and acclimation have an impact on postlarvae survival.