Effects of red seaweed extracts on shelf life of black tiger shrimp
This study evaluated red seaweed extracts for antioxidant properties and ability to extend the shelf life of black tiger shrimp during storage for 14 days.
An effective chitosan polymer, developed through gamma-irradiation, could preserve seafood and extend shelf-life beyond capabilities of refrigeration.
This study evaluated red seaweed extracts for antioxidant properties and ability to extend the shelf life of black tiger shrimp during storage for 14 days.
Spoilage in freshwater prawns is endogenous rather than exogenous and results from proteolytic enzymes in the cephalothorax.
The objectives of the smoking process are to uniformly impart the desired sensory characteristics to the product, extend shelf life and avoid the deposition of harmful compounds.
Superchilling is the refrigeration of fish in which the flesh temperature is reduced several degrees below the freezing point, forming ice in the outer few millimeters of the fish.
Health & Welfare
Since physical and chemical hazards in seafood remain largely unchanged in storage, shelf life can be based on the growth kinetics of microbial hazards.