Disparities between sustainability of country-level seafood production and consumption
Improved international tracking and sustainability metrics for seafood production and consumption are critical to sustainability efforts.
A new study finds that children who eat little seafood may be less likely to show prosocial behaviors like sharing and cooperating.
Improved international tracking and sustainability metrics for seafood production and consumption are critical to sustainability efforts.
A pesco-vegetarian diet, which includes fish, best protects against death for the elderly compared to other vegetarian diets, new study finds.
The U.S. could meet all its seafood needs domestically, a study concludes, but it would require changes in regulations and consumer behavior.
A recent study found most Indians eat fish, and if this trend continues, fish consumption in India is projected to double by 2048.
New findings from the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future show U.S. seafood consumption levels are closely related to income.
U.S. NGO Environmental Defense Fund polls registered voters and finds that 84 percent would support a well-regulated aquaculture industry.
Climate change, shifting incomes and evolving diets complicate the search for solutions to obesity and undernutrition in vulnerable populations.
Seafood has many health benefits for the young and the not-so young alike. Educating the next generation of consumers – as children – and their parents about healthier lifestyle decisions must be a priority for everyone in the seafood business.
Innovation & Investment
This year’s Aquaculture America in San Antonio, Texas, provided significant learning and networking opportunities. It successfully brought together 14 U.S. aquaculture organizations and more than 1,600 participants from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Una vez parte de la multitud de los productos de mar sostenibles preferidos por su dieta vegetariana y su potencial para alimentar a la creciente población del mundo, la tilapia con sus buenos modales ahora tiene un problema de imagen que puede estar causando una caída en los niveles de consumo.
Once a darling of the sustainable seafood crowd for its vegetarian diet and potential to feed the world’s growing population, mild-mannered tilapia now has an image problem that may be causing a dip in consumption levels.
Writing from Rome at the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization’s COFI 32 conference, Advocate contributor Roy Palmer solicits input on how to promote the health benefits of seafood consumption worldwide.
According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016 report, global per-capita seafood consumption eclipsed 20 kilograms for the first time. This infographic highlights some of the key findings for aquaculture and its important role in feeding the world.
Despite global strategies and political declarations that strive to support healthy diets with increased seafood consumption and regular physical activity, the world is seeing a rapid upsurge in obesity and under-nutrition, particularly in urban settings.