Seafood’s newfound retail popularity has a permanent feel to it
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed seafood in mostly positive ways, according to a retail survey commissioned by the Global Seafood Alliance.
An effective chitosan polymer, developed through gamma-irradiation, could preserve seafood and extend shelf-life beyond capabilities of refrigeration.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed seafood in mostly positive ways, according to a retail survey commissioned by the Global Seafood Alliance.
Aquaculture in the Arab region grew more than 60 percent in the 1990s and is still growing. Seafood consumption as a whole has distinct characteristics.
All 22 Arab countries are producers, importers, exporters and consumers of seafood products. The total seafood production from capture and aquaculture was 4.7 million metric tons in 2016, of which 1.5 million metric tons (36 percent) was from aquaculture.
Many important organizations around the world fail to acknowledge the importance of seafood to human health and well-being. There is a disconnect between what we know regarding the benefits of seafood and what is being done to acknowledge these benefits and increase seafood consumption in nutrition.
The latest Global Nutrition Report indicates serious levels of both malnutrition and adult overweight and obesity. It is a major challenge, particularly among women and children. Seafood, including from aquaculture, can play a significant role in helping address this issue.
What is the real meaning of corporate social responsibility? How can seafood harness and leverage its virtues? Speakers at Seafood Expo North America concluded that purpose is key to prosperity for an industry that’s central to environmental and human health.
The 2015 "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" suggest eating at least 8 ounces of seafood per week, and advise pregnant and breastfeeding women to eat 8-12 ounces weekly. It's about time.
Health & Welfare
With major support from the government, a campaign has been launched to promote consumption of Mexico’s fishery and aquaculture products. The objective is to increase per capita seafood consumption to 12 kg by 2018.
The United States Food and Drug Administration has updated its advice for pregnant women on mercury and seafood with greater emphasis on the benefits of eating fish. This is a positive story, but reporting on the new perspective muddied its message with opinion and innuendo. Let us all find the way to continue to promote aquaculture’s healthy, renewable products in ways that keep the stories simple, so the messages are not lost on the journey to consumers.
To help increase seafood consumption and gain recognition for the many health benefits of seafood, the author identified three wishes for 2014. Change the risk profile of seafood to defuse the sensationalized status of mercury. Professionalize the capability of the retail industry and create an avenue for consistent, positive messages sent to consumers. Increase education to girls and women about the unique benefits of seafood.
Campaigns and promotions on seafood consumption are proving successful in countries around the world. Many of them involve governments working with industry and other institutions to clearly communicate the benefits of seafood.
A variety of factors combine to limit seafood consumption. Seafood is perceived to be expensive, and safety perceptions influence consumer buying decisions. Culture and tradition also play roles in forging seafood-eating habits.
The Czech Republic is one of Europe’s largest fish producers and the world’s fourth-largest producer of freshwater ornamental and aquarium fish.
Korea has always had a love for seafood. Aquaculture is now playing an increasing role in supplying that seafood. High consumption of fish has been associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome in men, but not women.
Innovation & Investment
An Aquaculture Investment Workshop considered issues delaying aquaculture development in Latin America and the Caribbean.