Aquaculture tourism: An unexpected synergy for the blue economy
Greece is embracing aquaculture tourism initiatives, leveraging sustainability and immersive experiences to enhance a thriving blue economy.
Global production of carps, tilapias, pangasius, salmonids and sea bass and sea bream is expected to reach 39.6 million metric tons this year.
Greece is embracing aquaculture tourism initiatives, leveraging sustainability and immersive experiences to enhance a thriving blue economy.
Innovation & Investment
Research in Japan shows genome editing can improve muscle growth in farmed fish, resulting in less feed and boosting disease resistance.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Farmed finfish production has more than doubled since 2005 to an expected 38 million metric tons in 2018; 2019 production is expected to remain at 38 million metric tons.
Innovation & Investment
Copernicus, el Sistema de Observación de la Tierra de 4.300 millones de euros de la Agencia Espacial Europea, tiene beneficios potenciales para la pesca y la acuacultura. El proyecto SAFI se está acercando al sector acuícola en relación al aprovechamiento y el monetizado de este servicio único desde allá arriba.
Innovation & Investment
Copernicus – the European Space Agency’s €4.3 billion Earth Observation System – holds potential benefits for fisheries and aquaculture. The SAFI project is approaching the aquaculture sector about harnessing, and montetizing, this unique service from up above.
In a survey of 160 consumers of gilthead sea bream in Catalonia, Spain, farmed bream were generally well accepted by consumers, who preferred fresh to frozen product. Price was a significant attribute. Duty consumers, the largest group, ate fish mainly for health-related reasons.
Health & Welfare
Work by the authors analyzed price competition for farmed sea bream from Greece, Turkey and Spain across the value chain.
Health & Welfare
The meagre is a fast-growing fish species with good feed conversion that is a candidate for expanded aquaculture in the Mediterranean. The challenges of a lengthy adaption to captivity and susceptibility to external parasites are being addressed, and wild-caught broodstock now spawn regularly.
Health & Welfare
In a study, the performance of gilthead sea bream juveniles fed diets with no fishmeal was compared to that of bream fed diets with 30 or 10 percent fishmeal.
Health & Welfare
Sea bream fry are produced using the greenwater technique in which microalgae are added to larval-rearing tanks during the first 20 to 30 days after hatching.
Health & Welfare
Sheepshead are robust, adaptable, omnivorous fish that are cheap to feed and can be grown in ponds, cages, tanks or raceways in saltwater or freshwater.
A laboratory study indicated gilthead sea bream can be grown on feeds in which fishmeal and fish oil levels are reduced from traditional values using soy products.
Health & Welfare
In trials, finishing diets improved the appearance of sea bass and sea bream with equivalent or higher performance than that achieved with standard grow-out diets.
Intensive production equipment and management techniques allow the Nuova Azzurro Fish Farm in Italy to raise about 50 metric tons of sea bass per raceway per year.