Health & Welfare
Investments in fish health and welfare drive record survival rates for Scottish salmon
New data reveals investments in fish health and welfare since 2018 have led to record-high survival rates for Scottish salmon.
With major obstacles to growing production and maintaining market share, the Scottish salmon industry keeps an eye on the horizon.
Health & Welfare
New data reveals investments in fish health and welfare since 2018 have led to record-high survival rates for Scottish salmon.
Scottish salmon exports have surged to $819 million in the past year, reaching a five-year high as international demand grows.
Can a new consenting process for Scottish salmon farms lead to efficiencies and improved community engagement?
Despite the positive outputs of the global salmon farming business it remains a target for sharp criticism. In Scotland, the industry’s battle against misleading and inaccurate information reaches a new level.
With byproducts representing between 25 to 50 percent of the weight of various fish species, we need to be looking at how the entire fish is being used: even the heads, guts and skin.