Scottish salmon farmers to trial simplified licensing and approval process
Can a new consenting process for Scottish salmon farms lead to efficiencies and improved community engagement?
Health & Welfare
SAIC funds research to fine-tune a cleaner fish vaccination, potentially improving sea lice control in salmon farming.
Can a new consenting process for Scottish salmon farms lead to efficiencies and improved community engagement?
Rabobank analysts predict better supply for salmon aquaculture and fishmeal in 2024, but low market prices for shrimp may become “the new normal.”
Health & Welfare
Black spots on salmon fillets differ in origin from red spots, prompting scientific exploration beyond just bleeding causes.
Researchers conclude that farmed salmon biomass does not impact the abundance of harmful algal blooms in Scottish waters.
Rabobank's annual seafood production report suggests a more optimistic production outlook for 2024 compared to 2023.
Health & Welfare
Less than 10 percent of seawater salmon farms in Scotland used antibiotics in 2022, according to a new report by the UK government.
Innovation & Investment
A newly launched biomass camera developed by Ace Aquatec uses AI to transform how salmon stocks are monitored and graded.
A new Netflix series based on the salmon farming industry in Norway is under development, with the working title of "Salmon Island."
Innovation & Investment
AKVA Group says recent trials reveal low sea lice numbers and reduced treatments when using its deep-water aquaculture technology.
Scotland's National Park officials oppose the development of a semi-closed-containment salmon farm, despite its "national significance."
With salmon farm closures imminent, some First Nations are taking action to preserve ocean-based farming and assert Indigenous sovereignty.
Cermaq Canada and Ahousaht First Nation have renewed a five-year protocol to guide salmon farming practices on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Tasmania has passed a bill to enable offshore marine aquaculture research, which will help sustainably grow the salmon farming industry.
The Scottish government accepted the recommendations from an "ambitious" independent aquaculture review, making regulatory change imminent.
P. maximus could be a candidate for integrated multitrophic aquaculture, with potential to utilize small particles of uneaten salmon feed and fecal waste.