Report on seafood poisoning a call for enhanced safety practices
A report on food safety issues in New Zealand and Australia discusses enhancements in food safety practices to prevent foodborne diseases.
Innovation & Investment
Zeal Industries’ tool transmits GPS, temperature and other environmental data to the cloud to assist worker safety and seafood traceability.
A report on food safety issues in New Zealand and Australia discusses enhancements in food safety practices to prevent foodborne diseases.
A variety of factors combine to limit seafood consumption. Seafood is perceived to be expensive, and safety perceptions influence consumer buying decisions. Culture and tradition also play roles in forging seafood-eating habits.
Health & Welfare
Practical post-harvest oyster processing methods are needed. Preliminary studies evaluated the potential of high-salinity relaying to control Vibrio levels in raw oysters.
Health & Welfare
Thailand is one of the top shrimp exporters but if it is to retain confidence in the safety and quality of its products, significant measures must be taken.