Study: Mussel and seaweed farming can boost wild fish populations
Study shows mussel and seaweed farming can increase fish populations and biodiversity, showing potential environmental and economic benefits.
New research links offshore mussel farm in Lyme Bay to the revival of shellfish reefs, improving habitats for commercial fishing.
Study shows mussel and seaweed farming can increase fish populations and biodiversity, showing potential environmental and economic benefits.
The Ropes to Reefs project uses lobster tagging to assess the wider benefits of the UK’s first large-scale offshore mussel farm.
Researchers explore how effectively restorative aquaculture can enhance declining fisheries and safeguard native fish populations.
Innovation & Investment
The Palacios Marine Agricultural Research launched a project to advance Texas' oyster farming industry, starting with a mobile hatchery.
Seaweed farming can deliver economic and environmental benefits but is "significantly cost-disadvantaged," concludes a new TNC report.
Benefits of more shellfish include improved water quality from filter-feeding and providing habitat and nursery grounds for marine species.
A large-scale oyster reef restoration project led by NOAA aims to revitalize more than 2,300 acres in Maryland and Virginia waters.
Innovation & Investment
At the Blue Food Innovation Summit, discussions centered on restorative aquaculture’s potential and financing the ocean’s capabilities.
Funding will help rebuild oyster reefs, as well as promote innovation, resilience and diversity within the oyster aquaculture industry.
A new study has identified 12 potential ecological benefits of aquaculture, which can help marine ecosystem restoration.
New legislation aims to tackle tough environmental issues in Florida estuaries by bolstering the number of clams and seagrass through restorative aquaculture.
Oysters may play a role in removing nitrogen and improving water quality in the Great Bay estuary, near the University of New Hampshire.
Dr. Barry Costa-Pierce on the connection between nitrogen, carbon dioxide and ocean acidification, and the importance of restorative aquaculture.
The Nature Conservancy's latest study sets out a standard definition of and global principles for restorative aquaculture.
As part of a restorative aquaculture initiative, Orkney Shellfish Hatchery, a multi-species aquaculture hatchery in the Orkney Islands, has released its first stock of native flat oyster spat into the ocean.