Innovation & Investment
Rabobank: Hybrid flow-through systems could transform salmon farming
A new Rabobank report highlights that hybrid flow-through systems could transform aquaculture, but require investment and regulatory support.
Global aquaculture is set for growth in 2025, led by finfish production, but trade and market risks remain a concern, according to Rabobank.
Innovation & Investment
A new Rabobank report highlights that hybrid flow-through systems could transform aquaculture, but require investment and regulatory support.
Rabobank predicts improved demand and cost stabilization for aquaculture, despite market uncertainty and ongoing biological challenges.
Un nuevo informe de Rabobank pronostica un crecimiento modesto para la industria del camarón en 2024, pero los desafíos actuales del mercado global impiden una recuperación total.
A new Rabobank report forecasts modest growth for the shrimp industry in 2024, but ongoing global market challenges hinder a full recovery.
Rabobank analysts predict better supply for salmon aquaculture and fishmeal in 2024, but low market prices for shrimp may become “the new normal.”
El informe anual de producción de productos del mar de Rabobank sugiere unas perspectivas de producción más optimistas para 2024 en comparación con 2023.
Rabobank's annual seafood production report suggests a more optimistic production outlook for 2024 compared to 2023.
GSA’s annual global shrimp production survey suggests that after a robust 2022, this year will see a modest supply drop with an uptick coming in 2024.
Global production of carps, tilapias, pangasius, salmonids and sea bass and sea bream is expected to reach 39.6 million metric tons this year.
A Rabobank report reveals that the global seafood trade has reached record growth, with premium aquaculture in the lead.
Pending the degree of a global Covid recovery, a leading food and agribusiness analyst at Rabobank says aquaculture is in a strong position.
A high-capacity black soldier fly factory puts Protix in position to ramp up production. Investors explain why they’re betting on the sector’s success.
Innovation & Investment
La acuacultura es la "proteína ganadora," según un nuevo informe de Rabobank que su autor, Gorjan Nikolik, dijo pretende atraer a los clientes de la agroindustria del banco a oportunidades en el negocio de la acuacultura.
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture is the “winning protein,” according to a new Rabobank report that its author, Gorjan Nikolik, said is intended to draw the bank’s agro-industry clients to opportunities in the fish farming business.
Gorjan Nikolik, senior industry analyst for Rabobank, presented on fishmeal’s transformation from commodity to a “high-priced strategic protein” at the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL conference in Vancouver. See the full video of his presentation.