Health & Welfare
Wastewater reuse supports paddlefish project
A pilot project in Kentucky that uses wastewater effluent and decommissioned tanks at a water treatment plant has cultured over 70,000 phase II paddlefish.
Fish farmers rear paddlefish as a substitute for bighead carp in more than 10 provinces in China. Limited supply and high fingerling prices limit expansion of production.
Health & Welfare
A pilot project in Kentucky that uses wastewater effluent and decommissioned tanks at a water treatment plant has cultured over 70,000 phase II paddlefish.
Although U.S. hatcheries aid stocking programs, paddlefish culture has not been commercialized. Russia and China raise the fish for meat and caviar.
Paddlefish are related to sturgeons and highly valued for their grayish-black roe, which is processed into caviar, and boneless, firm, white meat.