Health & Welfare
Dietary sodium butyrate improves performance of Pacific white shrimp
Sodium butyrate has potential as an additive for marine shrimp diets, improving both the balance of intestinal bacterial flora and performance of the shrimp.
Health & Welfare
In a study, “pre-fertilization” in the nursery phase of a biofloc system for shrimp was tested. The objective was to accelerate the biofloc formation to minimize ammonia concentrations, avoiding high peaks during culture.
Health & Welfare
Sodium butyrate has potential as an additive for marine shrimp diets, improving both the balance of intestinal bacterial flora and performance of the shrimp.
Health & Welfare
The development of specific pathogen-free Pacific white shrimp and breeding led to rapid adoption of the domesticated shrimp throughout the Western Hemisphere and Asia.
India farmers are considering ways to boost production. If approved on a wider basis, production of Pacific white shrimp could boost overall yields.
Health & Welfare
Numerous environmental, social and economic advantages support the expansion of euryhaline shrimp and fish production away from coastal environments.
Health & Welfare
Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) reduces the growth and survival rates of Pacific white shrimp.