Grow-out protein requirements of Nile tilapia fed fishmeal-free diets
Protein levels affect growth performance, yield and composition parameters, supporting the use of fishmeal-free soybean- and corn-based diets.
Innovation & Investment
Brazilian Fish adopts genome editing to breed faster-growing, more efficient tilapia, boosting sustainability and competitiveness.
Protein levels affect growth performance, yield and composition parameters, supporting the use of fishmeal-free soybean- and corn-based diets.
Health & Welfare
Higher holding densities and asphyxiation increase stress, damaging flesh, while lower densities reduce stress and improve fillet quality.
Health & Welfare
Schizochytrium oil can improve Nile tilapia growth and increase omega-3 content without detrimental effects on the gut microbiome.
Health & Welfare
Tilapia respond positively to nutritional programming and a reduction in protein levels in starter feeds for fry shortly after yolk-sac absorption.
Soy lecithin phospholipids can be vital to improve the growth of Nile tilapia at suboptimal temperatures and offer an approach for new ingredients.
Integrated biofloc culture of Pacific white shrimp, Nile tilapia and U. lactuca is feasible with shallow floats up to 10 cm in depth.
Scientists say the reference genome for a genetically improved tilapia strain can be a "baseline" for breeding beneficial traits.
Health & Welfare
Scientists in Brazil have identified a "superbug" connected to various diseases in both humans and intensive tilapia aquaculture – and it could be caused by illegal waste dumping in the water system.
Health & Welfare
Efficacy of an oral vaccine in trials with tilapia shows it to be a viable, cost-effective alternative to administering vaccines by injection.
Health & Welfare
Dietary supplementation with passionfruit peel powder stimulates the immune, antioxidant systems of Nile tilapia cultured in biofloc systems.
Study results corroborate that chitin could act as a nutrient source as well as an antinutrient in both Nile tilapia and rainbow trout.
Nanoselenium supplementation increased its bioavailability and improved overall growth as well as the omega-3 fatty acid content of tilapia.
Health & Welfare
Exposure to varying light-intensity levels changes the water quality, bacteria count, survival rate and disease resistance in Nile tilapia culture.
Addition of the microalgae Scenedesmus to tilapia feeds and rearing water improve fish growth and yields without affecting sludge production.
Adding fumaric acid effectively promotes growth, improves intestinal morphometry and decreases pathogenic gut bacteria of Nile tilapia juveniles.