Researchers uncover possible explanation for California anchovy boom-and-bust cycles
A new study based on 45 years of data suggests that shorter food chains precede anchovy population booms, while longer ones lead to busts.
A new toolkit provides essential information to help reduce the bycatch of endangered albatrosses and other seabirds in longline fishing.
A new study based on 45 years of data suggests that shorter food chains precede anchovy population booms, while longer ones lead to busts.
Complex international ownership chains make it difficult for enforcement authorities to identify the ultimate beneficial owner of a fishing vessel.
The Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship releases a “responsible, realistic and achievable” plan for an Indigenous-led blue economy.
A new report outlines effective marketing strategies for successfully promoting global shrimp consumption.
Faroe Islands salmon producer Bakkafrost shipped cargo on the world's first transatlantic flight using a new eco-friendly jet fuel.
Researchers conclude that farmed salmon biomass does not impact the abundance of harmful algal blooms in Scottish waters.
A first-of-its-kind study will explore fish behavior in response to offshore wind turbines and construction activities in the Atlantic Ocean.
Innovation & Investment
Overall EU aquaculture production has "flatlined" and the sector's environmental impact can’t be reliably measured, a new report finds.
New partnership aims to develop a more sustainable aquafeed with Calanus finmarchicus, a tiny marine copepod rich in essential nutrients.
Innovative CRISPR gene editing technology tailored for aquaculture improves safety and unimpeded legal accessibility compared to CRISPR-Cas9.
Rabobank's annual seafood production report suggests a more optimistic production outlook for 2024 compared to 2023.
An AI-powered model developed by researchers "vastly outperformed" humans in correctly identifying the gender of horsehair crabs.
NFWF-NOAA funding will help develop and integrate new fishing gear in New England fisheries to help North Atlantic right whale conservation.
A new global model pinpoints marine regions where extreme temperatures are likely to have particularly harmful effects from climate change.
Collaboration between Maine's seafood sector, food banks and schools addressed food insecurity and infused millions into the local economy.