Health & Welfare
Use of copper sulfate in fish and shrimp ponds
Copper sulfate is a cost-effective algae control for aquaculture ponds but producers should consider alternative products or management practices.
Health & Welfare
El sulfato de cobre es un control de algas rentable para estanques acuícolas, pero los productores deberían considerar productos o prácticas de gestión alternativas.
Health & Welfare
Copper sulfate is a cost-effective algae control for aquaculture ponds but producers should consider alternative products or management practices.
Innovation & Investment
Empresas emergentes en Irlanda y los Estados Unidos ofrecen soluciones para los operadores de RAS que buscan mitigar los metabolitos que causan sabores desagradables.
Innovation & Investment
Startup companies in Ireland and the United States offer solutions for RAS operators seeking to mitigate the metabolites that cause off-flavors.
Los investigadores, fabricantes de alimentos y productores de sistemas acuícolas de recirculación están trabajando incansablemente para garantizar que su pescado tenga mejor sabor que nunca.
Researchers, feed manufacturers and recirculating aquaculture system producers are working tirelessly to ensure their fish tastes better than ever.
Health & Welfare
Este estudio en un sistema de producción de tecnología de biofloc al aire libre evaluó los impactos en los índices de producción de peces, los malos sabores microbianos comunes y la dinámica de la calidad del agua para la tilapia híbrida.
Health & Welfare
This study in an outdoor biofloc technology production system evaluated impacts on fish production indices, common microbial off-flavors and water quality dynamics for hybrid tilapia.
Health & Welfare
In studies that used biofloc systems to culture channel catfish, culture tanks were susceptible to episodes of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol and subsequent bioaccumulation of off-flavors in catfish flesh.
Off-flavors in pond and recirculating aquaculture systems have occurred through the biological production of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol. The compounds are rapidly absorbed through the gills of fish, but depuration can require days or weeks.