Health & Welfare
Genics Shrimp Multipath Technology exceeds global standards for WSSV detection
Early detection of major shrimp pathogens – through novel technologies like Genics Shrimp Multipath – is key for WSSV control and prevention.
Health & Welfare
La detección temprana de los principales patógenos del camarón, a través de tecnologías novedosas como Genics Shrimp Multipath, es clave para el control y la prevención del WSSV.
Health & Welfare
Early detection of major shrimp pathogens – through novel technologies like Genics Shrimp Multipath – is key for WSSV control and prevention.
Health & Welfare
Este estudio simuló el crecimiento comercial de dos cohortes de P. monodon que diferían en las cargas de infección por IHHNV de sus reproductores, y mostró que la prevalencia viral, la supervivencia y el rendimiento de crecimiento de la progenie en estanques se vieron significativamente afectados.
Health & Welfare
This study simulated the commercial grow-out of two cohorts of P. monodon that differed in their broodstock IHHNV infection loads, and showed that the viral prevalence, survival and growth performance of pond progeny were significantly affected.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio de RT-qPCR en camarón con infecciones por GAV mostró que las cargas de infección podrían diferir entre diferentes filamentos branquiales y pleópodos del mismo camarón.
Health & Welfare
A RT-qPCR study on shrimp with GAV infections showed infection loads could differ among different gill filaments and pleopods from the same shrimp.
Innovation & Investment
El camarón tigre negro es la segunda especie de camarón cultivado a nivel mundial. Debido a su importancia en Australia, el nuevo Centro ARC para Reproducción Avanzada de Camarones desarrollará un programa de cría escalable y avanzado para la especie, y llevará su conocimiento genético a un nivel comparable al de la ganadería.
Innovation & Investment
The black tiger shrimp is the second most important, farmed shrimp species globally. Because of its importance in Australia, the new ARC Hub for Advanced Prawn Breeding will develop a scalable, advanced breeding program for the species as well as bring its genetic knowledge to a level comparable to that of livestock.
Health & Welfare
To develop an alternative mechanism for genetic copyright of improved shrimp lines, the authors used a bioinformatics approach to identify germ line genes that could be potentially targeted to ablate the germ line.
Health & Welfare
Once satisfactory performance is demonstrated in commercial larval rearing and grow-out, automated induction will finalize the triploidy commercialization.
Health & Welfare
In Australia, CSIRO is investigating techniques to produce reproductively sterile, all-female shrimp populations through polyploidy, irradiation, or genetic engineering.