Global area estimate for marine aquaculture development
Authors quantified the environmental niche and inferred the global habitat suitability index of the 102 most farmed marine species using four species distribution models.
Los autores cuantificaron el nicho ambiental e infirieron el índice de aptitud del hábitat global de las 102 especies marinas más cultivadas utilizando cuatro modelos de distribución de especies.
Authors quantified the environmental niche and inferred the global habitat suitability index of the 102 most farmed marine species using four species distribution models.
Readily available energy has supported expanded seafood production. Feed production is the major energy-consuming aspect of finfish and crustacean culture.
Regulatory frameworks and financial incentives may be required to fully realize the benefits of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems.
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture involves cultivating fed species with extractive species that utilize inorganic and organic wastes for their growth.
Health & Welfare
South African abalone culture is growing and many of the land-based tank production systems use wild-harvested kelp to feed the animals.