Maine aquaculture producers are given a seafood distribution guide
The state's aquaculture association’s new guide will inform producers about distribution channels and how to bring their products to market.
Innovation & Investment
Maine-based Running Tide uses carbon-capture and oyster farming techniques – using both low and high technology – to restore ocean health.
The state's aquaculture association’s new guide will inform producers about distribution channels and how to bring their products to market.
A 10-year plan for Maine's aquaculture industry says $15 million is needed to strengthen the sector and the state's working waterfronts.
The first Maine Aquaculture Occupational Standards specify workforce skills and training needs for the state’s growing aquaculture sector.
Kelp aquaculture is poised for growth on both U.S. coasts, but one grower network in Maine is building a brand and demand for domestic seaweed.
A sister state agreement with Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan helps growers in Maine establish semi-automated commercial operations.
Recirculating aquaculture systems in theory solve many environmental impact issues, yet they're not immune to NIMBY (not in my backyard).
Cultivadas durante cientos de años, las algas marinas (el kelp de azúcar, específicamente) son el fruto de una naciente industria acuícola en los EE. UU. que suministra a los chefs, cocineros caseros e inspiradores productos alimenticios frescos y congelados.
Grown for hundreds of years, seaweed (sugar kelp, specifically) is the fruit of a nascent U.S. aquaculture industry supplying chefs, home cooks and inspiring fresh and frozen food products.
A leader at one of the new Maine RAS ventures talks ambitions for his group and the growing land-based aquaculture industry, with his home state at the epicenter of North American operations.
Nordic Aquafarms traerá algo a Maine que es nuevo para el estado: una granja de salmón que opera en tierra. Cuando esté lista, será una de las instalaciones de este tipo más grandes del mundo.
La granja de ostras de Bill Mook se está adaptando a las lluvias más frecuentes e intensas, al agua de mar más ácida y cálida, y a otros desafíos que conlleva el cambio climático.
Nordic Aquafarms will be bringing something to Maine that’s new to the state: a salmon farm that operates on land. When complete, it will be one of the largest such facilities in the world.
Bill Mook’s oyster farm is adapting to more frequent and intense rains, more acidic and warming seawater and other challenges that climate change brings.
Algunos pescadores de langosta de Maine están recurriendo a la acuicultura en un intento por diversificar y dar a las libras de langosta una segunda oportunidad de producir mariscos locales.
Some Maine lobster fishermen are turning to aquaculture in a quest to diversify and give defunct lobster pounds a second chance to produce local seafood.