Canada renews licenses for BC salmon farms outside Discovery Islands until spring 2023
The Canadian government has announced a two-year renewal of licenses for BC salmon farms outside of the Discovery Islands.
Expanded polystyrene is common in seafood packaging, but threatens marine life and human health as ocean pollution. A growing number of alternatives are emerging.
The Canadian government has announced a two-year renewal of licenses for BC salmon farms outside of the Discovery Islands.
Innovation & Investment
Un nuevo reporte dice que la energía renovable oceánica tiene el potencial de impulsar la acuacultura en alta mar y disminuir el impacto ambiental de las operaciones.
Innovation & Investment
A new report says ocean renewable energy has the potential to power offshore aquaculture and decrease the environmental impact of operations.
The Federal Court has rejected the Canadian federal government's plan to phase out BC salmon farms in the Discovery Islands.
El Dr. Barry Costa-Pierce habla sobre la conexión entre el nitrógeno, el dióxido de carbono y la acidificación de los océanos, y la importancia de la acuacultura restaurativa.
Dr. Barry Costa-Pierce on the connection between nitrogen, carbon dioxide and ocean acidification, and the importance of restorative aquaculture.
An Indigenous business operating in Atlantic Canada is testing a sea urchin vacuum developed by C Robotics to improve harvesting efficiency.
The global ghost fishing problem has negative environmental and economic impacts, but new technology could help locate and retrieve lost fishing gear.
Un estudio colaborativo entre ONG y académicos encuentra que la maricultura "bien hecha" puede ayudar a mitigar el cambio climático al reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.
NGO-academic collaborative study finds that mariculture “done right” can aid climate change mitigation by cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
The decline in fish populations is "far worse" than previously estimated, according to the Global Fishing Index, a new assessment of fish stocks. One noted expert, however, disagrees.
Discussion at the final GOAL 2021 event ranged from Ecuador’s booming shrimp sector to the ‘compass’ of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
A Centre for Marine Applied Research study will assess the climate change readiness of seafood-dependent communities in Nova Scotia.
Innovation & Investment
FlipFarm, a semi-automated oyster-growing system from New Zealand, is a finalist for GSA’s annual Global Aquaculture Innovation Award.
Abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear can inflict damage on marine life and the ocean, but what's the economic cost of ghost gear?