Study: Denser kelp forests are better suited to survive ocean warming
New research reveals that denser and more sheltered kelp forests can withstand serious stressors amid ocean warming.
NOAA Fisheries’ State of Alaska Aquaculture Report paints a promising picture, but local producers face a raft of post-harvest challenges.
New research reveals that denser and more sheltered kelp forests can withstand serious stressors amid ocean warming.
A new global research project leverages environmental DNA to better measure and understand the carbon sequestration potential of kelp.
Former professional basketball player Sue Wicks launches New York’s first commercial kelp farm, spearheading a growing industry for the state.
Seaweed farming experts are urging producers to employ selective breeding to capitalize on desired traits amid a changing climate.
Oceans Balance in Maine secured an industrial kelp dryer from South Africa that has the capacity to process other local seaweed farming producers’ plants.
Innovation & Investment
Viable Gear Founder Katie Weiler joined the Advocate and Aquademia to discuss making lobster bait bags and other products with a seaweed polymer.
Innovation & Investment
A new economic analysis reveals a $149 million potential for the emerging Nova Scotia kelp farming and product sector.
¿Cómo puede el cultivo de kelp ayudar a resolver los desafíos globales? Un panel de expertos en algas discutió las promesas, las dificultades, y las lagunas de conocimiento.
How can kelp farming help solve global challenges? A panel of seaweed experts discussed promises, pitfalls and knowledge gaps.
Nofima scientists aim to expand knowledge of potentially toxic elements in cultivated sugar kelp and wild-harvested kelp and seaweed.
The water-filtering abilities of kelp farms could help reduce marine pollution in coastal areas, according to a new study.
Innovation & Investment
Sea urchin aquaculture venture Urchinomics has opened a sea urchin-ranching site in Nagato, Japan, in partnership with seafood processor Maruyama Suisan.
Innovation & Investment
Maine-based Running Tide uses carbon-capture and oyster farming techniques – using both low and high technology – to restore ocean health.
Atlantic Sea Farms CEO speaks on blue foods and climate-change adaptation at World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
U.S. scientists released – a digital map of kelp forest canopy that will be instrumental in ecosystem restoration.