Health & Welfare
Clinical case report: EMS/AHPND outbreak in Latin America
Behind the successful control of Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), or Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), in a Latin American shrimp nursery.
Health & Welfare
Detrás del control exitoso del Síndrome de Mortalidad Temprana (EMS), o la Enfermedad de Necrosis Hepatopancreática Aguda (AHPND), en un vivero de camarón de América Latina.
Health & Welfare
Behind the successful control of Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), or Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), in a Latin American shrimp nursery.
Health & Welfare
Disease outbreaks in shrimp occur not only due to the presence of pathogens, but also to suboptimal culture conditions and system management.
Health & Welfare
In a challenge test under controlled conditions using a severe strain of the virus, resistance to WSSV was shown in shrimp supplied by the Camaronera de Coclé, S.A. L. vannamei genetics program.
Health & Welfare
Maintaining a favorable gut microflora in shrimp can help minimize the impacts of diseases and maximize digestive efficiency. Phytobiotic feed additives modulate microflora in shrimp toward a composition that favors beneficial bacteria and inhibits pathogenic microorganisms.