Innovation & Investment
Power move: Japanese energy firm getting in on RAS shrimp
Kansai Electric Power (KEPCO) is building an RAS shrimp farm near Tokyo, a move that could secure the firm a larger share in a discerning seafood market.
Shikinejima is a scenic getaway for tourists but the seas surrounding its volcano offer a glimpse of how the ocean could behave in the future.
Innovation & Investment
Kansai Electric Power (KEPCO) is building an RAS shrimp farm near Tokyo, a move that could secure the firm a larger share in a discerning seafood market.
Health & Welfare
Analyzing population dynamics in a super-intensive, closed shrimp farm in Japan shows factors decreasing productivity, improvements for efficient management.
Tokyo University researchers have learned to spawn fish from germline stem cells in vitro, a method that can be deployed to help endangered species.
A sister state agreement with Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan helps growers in Maine establish semi-automated commercial operations.
A new technique for sturgeon farming developed by Kindai University could greatly benefit Japan’s fledgling caviar industry.
Shinshu salmon is promoted as a food typical of the mountainous prefecture of Nagano, which is aiming to capitalize on the popularity of salmon in Japan.
Japanese scientists have been trying to replicate spawning conditions for eels in captivity for decades. They’re getting closer, but major hurdles remain.
A technique to farm tiger puffers in hot spring water was invented to revitalize the town of Nasu-karasuyama and is now spreading to other areas of Japan.
Innovation & Investment
Bluefin tuna may be the most prized fish in the ocean. If hon-maguro sashimi is to remain chic, closed-cycle aquaculture may help keep it on menus.
Innovation & Investment
With all eyes on Japan for the 2020 Olympic Games, leading advocates for responsible aquaculture there see a key opportunity to make stronger sustainability commitments.
Innovation & Investment
Gracias en parte a una relación única de "estado hermano" que Maine comparte con la Prefectura de Aomori, una técnica de cultivo de vieira y sus equipos relacionados desarrollados en Japón se van vía a los Estados Unidos. El uso del equipo podría ahorrar tiempo y dinero a los productores y podría marcar el nacimiento de una nueva industria.
Many current eating habits have negative results for our health, lending credence to “you are what you eat.” Eating habits can be changed, and increasing seafood consumption can provide numerous health benefits, including as a significant source of critical micro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Seafood should have its own spot in our dietary food pyramid.
In addressing waste managers – representing the governments of various Asian nations at the “Inception and Capacity-Building Workshop on National and City-Level Waste Management Strategies” in Osaka, Japan – the author recommended holistic views, focusing “upstream” and using waste management interventions to foster social capital.
Seafood has played a prominent role in Japan’s food history. The country helped spread sushi, surimi and tempura, and fish consumption by the Japanese is still among the highest in the world. Their taste for seafood also contributes to better health.
Health & Welfare
Although researchers in several countries are working to enhance sea urchin fisheries or commercial production, the development of a major commercial industry has been restrained by the lack of cost-effective production technology.