Love thy neighbor: Ireland’s Clew Bay embraces aquaculture area management
Aquaculture producers in Ireland’s Clew Bay prove that organized clusters can mitigate biosecurity risks and can even raise their profile with consumers.
Innovation & Investment
The Irish government will devote €20 million in funding for capital investments to boost its aquaculture sector in Ireland.
Aquaculture producers in Ireland’s Clew Bay prove that organized clusters can mitigate biosecurity risks and can even raise their profile with consumers.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance's annual GOAL conference, held this October in Dublin, Ireland, offers attendees a unique learning experience. This photo slide show offers a sneak peek at the pre-conference field trip sites: a trout farm in Woodenbridge and an oyster farm in Dungarvan.
Pathogenic noroviruses have been identified in shellfish from various countries in Europe. The major cause of outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis in humans, norovirus infection is transmitted three main ways, led by consumption of shellfish.
Health & Welfare
Two key supports of Irish aquaculture are provided by state agencies through the development of product quality and food safety programs.