The applications, benefits and challenges of using chitinase in aquafeeds
This review discusses how chitinase can improve feed digestibility, disease control and sustainability in aquaculture.
Follow the Responsible Seafood Advocate’s coverage of the North Atlantic Seafood Forum in Bergen, Norway.
This review discusses how chitinase can improve feed digestibility, disease control and sustainability in aquaculture.
Alternative proteins like insect meals are not yet fully accepted, so this study sought to understand consumer preferences for a popular fish raised on insect-based feeds.
Nofima researchers say that recent feeding trials show insect meal and a byproduct of black soldier fly processing can help salmon grow well.
Black soldier fly larvae meal has anti-inflammatory molecules that may alleviate inflammation but is outperformed by quercetin in this capacity.
Live foods and insect meal-based diets can be effective feed ingredients for larval sea trout with good results on growth and survival.
Health & Welfare
An assessment of seven insect meals demonstrates their high potential as protein sources to replace fishmeal in diets for L. vannamei.
A high-capacity black soldier fly factory puts Protix in position to ramp up production. Investors explain why they’re betting on the sector’s success.
Los fabricantes de alimentos acuícolas y proveedores de ingredientes alternativos para alimentos de todo el mundo se reunieron en Silicon Valley para el F3, el concurso de Alimentos sin Pescado (Fish Free Feed). En el centro de la innovación, las soluciones a un problema global estaban en plena pantalla.
Aquafeed manufacturers and alternative feed ingredient suppliers from all over the world gathered in Silicon Valley for F3, the Fish Free Feed contest. In the hub of innovation, solutions to a global problem were on full display.
What started out as a simple yet ambitious contest to drive innovation in the aquafeed sector has evolved into a fully global competition – and collaboration – amongst ingredient suppliers and feed manufacturers.
Las moscas soldado negro están ganando interés como un ingrediente alternativo líder en alimentos acuícolas. ¿Pero creará el factor "desagrado" una aversión o rechazo? La colaboradora del Advocate Clare Leschin-Hoar investiga.
Black soldier flies are gaining interest as a leading alternative ingredient in aquafeeds. But will the “ick” factor be a turn-off? Advocate contributor Clare Leschin-Hoar investigates.
Poor-quality ingredients can’t become good-quality ingredients. Quality protein is essential for the healthy growth of any omnivorous or carnivorous aquaculture species. Insect meals seem to fill this need, and their mass-scale production appears to be sustainable.