Health & Welfare
Electric company: Handheld CQR aims to crack fish-health code
U.S. company’s certified quality reader utilizes electrodes to create signals that provide valuable information about fish health in just seconds.
Innovation & Investment
Pathogen-resistant crawfish and microencapsulated aquafeed supplements are two examples of how Australia’s aquaculture industry is always innovating.
Health & Welfare
U.S. company’s certified quality reader utilizes electrodes to create signals that provide valuable information about fish health in just seconds.
Innovation & Investment
Global Aquaculture Innovation Award finalist Pegasus Science aims to simplify mycotoxin measuring in aquafeeds with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy.
El uso de recortes y subproductos de pescado en la harina y el aceite de pescado es una victoria para la acuacultura. Pero los desafíos se ciernen, incluida la logística y la economía.
Use of fish trimmings and byproducts in fishmeal and fish oil is a win for aquaculture. But challenges loom, including logistics and economics.
Innovation & Investment
El productor de camarón en RAS de los EE.UU., Natural Shrimp, utiliza la electrocoagulación para eliminar y controlar las bacterias, el amoníaco y otros contaminantes que pueden dificultar la producción.
Innovation & Investment
U.S. RAS shrimp producer NaturalShrimp uses electrocoagulation to remove and control bacteria, ammonia and other contaminants that can hinder production.
Innovation & Investment
La acuacultura Australiana recibe atención necesaria más tarde este mes, cuando Fish 2.0 organiza un taller regional centrado en la innovación y la inversión en Melbourne.
Innovation & Investment
Australian aquaculture gets some needed attention later this month when Fish 2.0 holds a regional workshop focused on innovation and investment in Melbourne.
Una subvención de dos años de $276,000 busca mejorar la nutrición del alimento en vivo para, y por lo tanto para la producción de larvas de, Seriola y fletán de California, con la esperanza de que la tecnología sea aplicable a otras especies.
A two-year grant of $276,000 seeks to improve the nutrition of live feed for, and therefore the production of, larval California yellowtail and halibut, with the hopes that the technology will be applicable to other species.
Innovation & Investment
Two technology startups are offering unique fish-monitoring solutions for aquaculture producers. Using algorithms, drones and computer vision software, Aquaai and Aquabyte aim to take labor-intensive and error-prone tasks out of human hands.