Study: Farming shrimp with oysters and seaweed cuts nitrogen output
A new study finds pairing shrimp with oysters and seaweed reduces nitrogen levels, making shrimp farming more responsible and profitable.
A new study shows that massive enzymes in marine algae that produce neurotoxins cause mass fish deaths during harmful algal blooms.
A new study finds pairing shrimp with oysters and seaweed reduces nitrogen levels, making shrimp farming more responsible and profitable.
Researchers conclude that farmed salmon biomass does not impact the abundance of harmful algal blooms in Scottish waters.
Document provides guidance to implement or improve early warning systems for harmful algal blooms that threaten seafood and public health.
Innovation & Investment
An autonomous, submersible, 3D holographic microscope and imaging system could provide an effective red tide warning system, a study finds.
Health & Welfare
A new training program is being developed to help UK seafood producers detect and report harmful algal blooms in open coastal waters.
Study shows that a novel machine-learning approach using global climatic patterns can improve seasonal prediction of harmful algal blooms.
Salmon farms are vulnerable to the impacts of harmful algal blooms. Scotland's aquaculture industry is embracing technology as a solution.
Emerging technologies could make it easier for fish farmers to detect and defeat harmful algal blooms, but expertise will yield best results.
Innovation & Investment
La herramienta de monitoreo satelital de ColomboSky, con sede en Verona, Italia, proporciona una detección temprana de amenazas de agua que se acercan específicamente a la acuacultura marina.
Innovation & Investment
Verona, Italy-based ColomboSky’s satellite monitoring tool provides early detection of approaching water threats specifically for marine aquaculture.