
Genomes of various major fish species in world fisheries and aquaculture

Study assesses the use of genetic resources and the applications and challenges of genomics in aquaculture and fisheries. 

Aquaculture Exchange: Melanie Siggs, part 1
Article image for Aquaculture Exchange: Melanie Siggs, part 1

Innovation & Investment

Aquaculture Exchange: Melanie Siggs, part 1

Always seeking to understand the role of business and politics in stewarding the environment, Melanie Siggs has high aspirations for the global seafood industry and its future in helping to feed the world. The independent advisor talks to the Advocate about what makes aquaculture investible, the importance of strategic thinking and the role of NGOs. 

Pesquerías y acuacultura: Actividades hermanas con una meta común
Article image for Pesquerías y acuacultura: Actividades hermanas con una meta común


Pesquerías y acuacultura: Actividades hermanas con una meta común

La acuacultura y la pesca — aunque significativamente diferentes pues una agricultura y la otra es cacería — son actividades relacionadas muy de cerca que comparten muchos componentes de sus cadenas de valor, incluyendo sus mercados y clientes. Ambas tienen muy importantes, crecientes funciones globales que desempeñar en la seguridad alimentaria en las próximas décadas. 

Change the paradigm and break aquaculture stereotypes
Article image for Change the paradigm and break aquaculture stereotypes


Change the paradigm and break aquaculture stereotypes

Although there is compelling evidence that early humans relied heavily on the fruits of the ocean, the mindset of powers that be tends to focus on utilization of land for food. In Australia, for example, the country controls water resources with 2.5 times the area of its land, yet it is not food secure in seafood. Many bright minds have not awakened to the unique opportunities that aquaculture and fisheries offer. It’s time to get aquaculture out of the pigeonhole.