A wider view: At GOAL, focus steers to fisheries, food systems and the future
During the virtual event, researchers discussed the importance of aquatic foods, which billions worldwide rely on for protein and micronutrients.
Study assesses the use of genetic resources and the applications and challenges of genomics in aquaculture and fisheries.
During the virtual event, researchers discussed the importance of aquatic foods, which billions worldwide rely on for protein and micronutrients.
Several recent reports echo the message that eating sustainable seafood can help save the planet while making significant gains in public health.
The most recent biennial report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations stresses the growing importance that aquaculture has as new records for global seafood production and consumption were reached in 2016.
Innovation & Investment
Always seeking to understand the role of business and politics in stewarding the environment, Melanie Siggs has high aspirations for the global seafood industry and its future in helping to feed the world. The independent advisor talks to the Advocate about what makes aquaculture investible, the importance of strategic thinking and the role of NGOs.
La acuacultura y la pesca — aunque significativamente diferentes pues una agricultura y la otra es cacería — son actividades relacionadas muy de cerca que comparten muchos componentes de sus cadenas de valor, incluyendo sus mercados y clientes. Ambas tienen muy importantes, crecientes funciones globales que desempeñar en la seguridad alimentaria en las próximas décadas.
Aquaculture and fisheries – although significantly different as one is farming and the other one is hunting – are very closely related activities that share many components of their value chains, including their markets and customers.
Innovation & Investment
University of New England Professor Barry Costa-Pierce says aquaculture is often neglected in studies examining ocean health and ecosystem and resource management. The “Ocean Prosperity Roadmap” released this summer, he said, was more of the same.
Although there is compelling evidence that early humans relied heavily on the fruits of the ocean, the mindset of powers that be tends to focus on utilization of land for food. In Australia, for example, the country controls water resources with 2.5 times the area of its land, yet it is not food secure in seafood. Many bright minds have not awakened to the unique opportunities that aquaculture and fisheries offer. It’s time to get aquaculture out of the pigeonhole.
A carbon footprint is an estimate of the total carbon emissions resulting from the production, use and disposal of a product or service. Carbon footprints for aquaculture products result mainly from the use of manufactured feed and mechanical aeration.
Tons of aquaculture byproducts are available as sources for fishmeal and fish oil to supplement the supplies obtained from fisheries. Innovative technologies are supporting more efficient use of these by-products in aquafeed.
Health & Welfare
Arapaima, also known as pirarucu or paiche, offers appealing flesh color and texture, low fat content and high levels of protein and fatty acids.