Health & Welfare
Silencing a key protein may significantly reduce EHP transmission in farmed shrimp
Study is a model for investigations to identify critical genes for EHP survival and spread as targets for preventive and therapeutic management.
Health & Welfare
El estudio es un modelo para investigaciones destinadas a identificar genes críticos para la supervivencia a EHP y su propagación como objetivos para el manejo preventivo y terapéutico.
Health & Welfare
Study is a model for investigations to identify critical genes for EHP survival and spread as targets for preventive and therapeutic management.
Health & Welfare
Shrimp farming expert Robins McIntosh details the past decade of learning about the microsporidian EHP and how to mitigate its impact.
Health & Welfare
Shrimp farming expert Robins McIntosh details a decade of learning about the microsporidian EHP and how to mitigate its impact.
Health & Welfare
Una infección por EHP puede ocurrir a una salinidad tan baja como 2 ppt, pero la prevalencia y la gravedad de la infección por EHP es mayor a una salinidad de 30 ppt.
Health & Welfare
An EHP infection can occur at a salinity as low as 2 ppt but the prevalence and the severity of the EHP infection is higher at 30 ppt salinity.
Health & Welfare
Estudios in vitro en condiciones de laboratorio en Tailandia evalúan el potencial de dos biocidas contra la extrusión de esporas de Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP).
Health & Welfare
In vitro studies under laboratory conditions in Thailand evaluate the potential of two biocides against Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) spore extrusion.
Health & Welfare
Un nuevo método de PCR anidado específico para el patógeno EHP de camarón cultivado puede usarse en diagnósticos de rutina y también es útil para detectar una infección de EHP de bajo grado.
Health & Welfare
A new nested PCR method specific to farmed shrimp pathogen EHP can be used in routine diagnostics and is also useful to detect low-grade EHP infection.
Health & Welfare
Many shrimp producers give only perfunctory attention to routine biosecurity at hatcheries and farms. A cost-effective biosecurity program for farmed shrimp requires reliable diagnostic tools to make timely decisions to control or exclude pathogens.
Health & Welfare
Desafíos de laboratorio y un estudio caso-control se utilizaron para determinar los efectos de la infección por EHP en dos enfermedades de Vibrio: necrosis hepatopancreática aguda (AHPND) y necrosis hepatopancreática séptica (SHPN).
Health & Welfare
Laboratory challenges and a case-control study were used to determine the effects of EHP infection on two Vibrio diseases: acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) and septic hepatopancreatic necrosis (SHPN).
Health & Welfare
Accurate PCR testing of shrimp seedstock assures shrimp farmers that their seedstock is clean of major diseases. Ring tests verify that labs conducting PCR testing are obtaining correct, reliable and reproducible results when testing for specific shrimp diseases.
Health & Welfare
La presencia de AHPND-Vibrio parahaemolyticus puede ser detectada tanto en muestras de ADN fecal como en caldo bacteriano enriquecido con muestras de caldo de enriquecimiento que muestran mayor sensibilidad.
Health & Welfare
本文介绍了新兴对虾微孢子虫病(EHP)的组织学特征,使用了对患病对虾肝胰腺组织,排泄物,养殖水缸中水样和一些卤虫生物量的PCR化验分析的方法来检测到EHP的存在。(Editor's note: This article was originally published on the Advocate in English on April 15, 2016.)