Innovation & Investment
Japan’s Kindai University attains full-cycle aquaculture of Japanese eels
Rearing Japanese eels at a reasonable cost has proved challenging over the years, but recent developments at Kindai University are raising hopes.
JAPFA Group has achieved captive breeding for tropical eels (Anguilla bicolor), reducing reliance on wild populations and supporting conservation efforts.
Innovation & Investment
Rearing Japanese eels at a reasonable cost has proved challenging over the years, but recent developments at Kindai University are raising hopes.
The future of European eel fisheries may depend on a coordinated plan to conserve the species, including seasonal closures and a ban on recreational fishing.
With construction completed in January, the company expects to expand its production of American eels (Anguilla rostrata) to a half-million pounds.
A new study using DNA testing has confirmed widespread – and probably illegal – international trading of critically endangered European eels.
Eel producer American Unagi has broken ground on a 27,000-square-foot recirculating aquaculture system near the coast of Maine.
Japanese scientists have been trying to replicate spawning conditions for eels in captivity for decades. They’re getting closer, but major hurdles remain.
Innovation & Investment
Sara Rademaker launched American Unagi to shift eel farming to American soil, where the eels are from. Why? Because of the novelty, and because she saw an opportunity to do things better.
Innovation & Investment
Biannual conference/competition showcased 40 new seafood businesses, or related services, from around the world. Winners were chosen on the strength of the opportunity, meaningful impact and compelling leadership and presentation.
Innovation & Investment
Continuous innovation of production systems can make eel culture sustainable, environmentally friendly and economically viable.