Innovation & Investment
Can drones detect early signs of oyster reef deterioration?
New research shows that the digital elevation map produced by drones can accurately determine the condition of an oyster reef.
Innovation & Investment
An experimental airborne system is effective at water quality sampling and monitoring, with superior mobility, safety and lower operating costs.
Innovation & Investment
New research shows that the digital elevation map produced by drones can accurately determine the condition of an oyster reef.
Las cámaras GoPro y los drones están ayudando a los investigadores, reguladores y operadores a comprender cómo la cría de moluscos interactúa con hábitats sensibles como los lechos de zostera marina.
Drones and GoPro cameras are helping researchers, regulators and operators understand how shellfish farming interacts with sensitive habitats like eelgrass beds.
Innovation & Investment
Two technology startups are offering unique fish-monitoring solutions for aquaculture producers. Using algorithms, drones and computer vision software, Aquaai and Aquabyte aim to take labor-intensive and error-prone tasks out of human hands.
Innovation & Investment
Los avances tecnológicos están revolucionando la acuacultura. Desde las herramientas de inspección aero-transportadas a los drones submarinos, la tecnología robótica innovadora y de automatización están desvelando un nuevo y valiente mundo de la acuacultura futurista.
Innovation & Investment
Technological advances are revolutionizing aquaculture. From airborne inspection tools to underwater drones, innovative robotics and automation technology are unveiling a brave new world of futuristic farming.