Mycotoxins in feed affect fish health, performance
Nutritious and cost-effective aquafeeds can be formulated using high levels of plant feedstuffs. However, this may increase the risk of exposure to mycotoxins.
Innovation & Investment
To help produce high-quality aquaculture feeds, the U.S. Soybean Export Council spearheaded the Asian Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database project, designed as a reference tool for individuals involved in feed formulation, ingredient purchasing, quality control and research.
Nutritious and cost-effective aquafeeds can be formulated using high levels of plant feedstuffs. However, this may increase the risk of exposure to mycotoxins.
Health & Welfare
Rendered animal proteins present viable alternatives to fishmeal in aquafeeds. High digestible protein and energy contents make them cost-efficient in low-fishmeal formulations.