Life cycle inventories of marine ingredients
Marine ingredients are typically lower in environmental footprint vs. terrestrial ingredients but fisheries stock status must be considered separately.
Los ingredientes marinos suelen tener una huella ambiental más baja en comparación con los ingredientes terrestres, pero el estado de las poblaciones de peces debe considerarse por separado.
Marine ingredients are typically lower in environmental footprint vs. terrestrial ingredients but fisheries stock status must be considered separately.
Health & Welfare
Evaluación de la calidad y supervivencia de postlarvas de camarón blanco del Pacífico de reproductores hembras no sometidas a ablación, una estrategia holística de bioseguridad y gestión.
Health & Welfare
Evaluating the quality and survival of Pacific white shrimp postlarvae from non-ablated female broodstock, a holistic biosecurity and management strategy.
Readily available energy has supported expanded seafood production. Feed production is the major energy-consuming aspect of finfish and crustacean culture.
Health & Welfare
Even in commercial systems, management of self-recruiting species within diverse polycultures can reduce risk and produce valuable byproducts.
Tilapia culture systems in Bangladesh play a “silent” role in meeting poor peoples’ needs and, increasingly, of a growing demand in formal markets.