Skretting partners with Zooca Calanus to develop copepod-based aquaculture feeds
New partnership aims to develop a more sustainable aquafeed with Calanus finmarchicus, a tiny marine copepod rich in essential nutrients.
A novel protein hydrolysate from the zooplanktonic copepod Calanus finmarchicus can increase the attractiveness of Litopenaeus vannamei diets.
New partnership aims to develop a more sustainable aquafeed with Calanus finmarchicus, a tiny marine copepod rich in essential nutrients.
Health & Welfare
Research at the Oceanic Institute has been successful in overcoming bottlenecks associated with rearing small-mouthed fish larvae by finding a suitable first feed. Early work on the calanoid copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris focused on parameters necessary for successful maintenance of stock cultures.