Study: Communicating positives about aquaculture can convert ‘naysayers’ into supporters
Researchers discover that messaging about the potential positive impact of aquaculture on the environment can persuade consumers.
Available in six languages, Hannaford's seafood guide helps newcomers to the United States explore fresh, local options from the Gulf of Maine.
Researchers discover that messaging about the potential positive impact of aquaculture on the environment can persuade consumers.
Innovation & Investment
The great aquaculture opportunity – assuming responsibility as a reliable and predictable source of nutrition for a growing global population – would be better accomplished with a greater sense of confidence, according to keynote speaker Pearse Lyons.
In his latest piece for the Advocate, industry veteran Phil Walsh, VP of Growth for Alfa Gamma Seafood Group in Miami, says aquaculture stakeholders should seize every opportunity to promote their products’ positive attributes in the face of stiff opposition.
Innovation & Investment
In the conclusion of a two-part interview, independent advisor Melanie Siggs talks to the Advocate about consumer perceptions of aquaculture, and many roles that NGOs fill and her hopes for the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative and its work with certification schemes.
What do shoppers really think about farmed and wild seafood? Commissioned by The Fishin’ Co. and the Global Aquaculture Alliance, an extensive survey conducted earlier this year sought to determine the key drivers in consumers’ seafood purchasing habits and their perception of aquaculture.